As most of you are (most likely) aware, this weekend is the Easter weekend, and next week is the mid-session break. Some of you might be thinking we’ll be taking a break during the break – no way! In fact, we’ve got more screening time than normal. =D
This Friday (Good Friday) we’ll be showing Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse. We’ll most likely be starting with the (originally) unaired final episode of season one, and continuing with season two, as that’s where we left off at our previous Dollhouse screening last year. We’ll be in Rex Vowels starting from 5pm, pizza run at 7-ish. I’ll be away this weekend, so the screening will be run by Vice President James.
I’ll send another e-mail about next week’s stuff next week, but just in case you’re away and don’t read it (or I’m away and forget to send it =D ) I’ll give a brief summary now. During the break, we’ll be having an extra special extended screening on the Friday, showing Legend of the Seeker, based on The Sword of Truth novels by Terry Goodkind – we’ll be starting at 4pm in Rex Vowels.
Secondly, it’s our second marathon for this session! On Saturday the 10th, we’ll be showing the extended editions of all three Lord of the Rings movies. Woo! It’s in Quad G026 starting from 9am. I’ll give more details in my next e-mail, but keep your diaries free if you’re interested. =)