Week 10 – AGM & Trivia Night

Hi Everyone!

I hope your mid-semester break is giving you plenty of opportunities for rest and relaxation (by which we mean sci-fi marathons). We have something special planned for you next week: Our AGM, followed by a trivia night. On the 9th of October, next Friday, Spocksoc will be holding our 2015 Annual General Meeting at 5pm. Please note that the location has changed to QUADG052

We’re hoping to get the AGM underway as soon as possible, so we have as much time as possible for our Annual Trivia Night. We will also be voting for our club executive for the next 12 months, so try your luck! The AGM is important for us to remain an Arc Club, and we need at least 15 Arc Members to attend to remain affiliated, so even if you can’t stay for trivia come have a say in the club’s future.
After our AGM, we will hold our trivia night. Aside from the opportunity to test and share your knowledge of the shows we’ve been watching this year, and the weird world of sci-fi and fantasy in general, did we mention the prizes?

We hope to see you there, it should be loads of fun!
Ben Koschnick

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SpockSoc Webmaster