Week 2: Battlestar Galactica

SciFi promo of Battlestar Galactica
SciFi promo of Battlestar Galactica

This week at SpockSoc, we’re watching Battlestar Galactica, the second half of the fourth (and final) season. We’ll only be able to watch as many episodes as we can fit, so expect another screening later on to finish it off. We’re going to be in Hut D10 again, starting at 5pm. Pizza run during the night as usual, $5 per half pizza, with a free drink.

For those who aren’t quite up-to-date with BSG, I’ll give a brief recap before we start, but as last year’s SpockSoc members (like all of America) have been waiting the better part of nine months to see the second half of the season, we won’t be re-screening the first half, sorry.

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