O-Week is over, and session one is due to start. And what better way to kick things off than with a trip to the movies? Watchmen is coming out next week, and SpockSoc is going to arrange a trip to go and see it at the 9:15pm screening on Tuesday the 10th of March. Members will be able to get tickets for $5 each. Bargain!
The movie is three hours long, so if this is going to be a problem, then let me know. We’re going to meet up outside the cinema at 7:30 so we can go and have some dinner somewhere nearby if people so desire, then again at 9:00 so we can go in as a group, and so I can hand out tickets and collect money.
Currently I’ve got seventeen people coming. Remember: if you want to come, let me know before Sunday. It’s fine to bring friends and/or family too – just let me know the numbers. (Send me an e-mail – select President from list.) Please RSVP by Sunday the 8th at the absolute latest.
For those who are new the area, here’s a map to the Ritz:
If that doesn’t work properly, the address is 39 St Paul’s Street, Randwick. That’s a block and a bit east of the Prince of Wales Hospital, which is itself just east of the uni. If you’re at uni already, your best bet is to walk up High Street until you hit Avoca, then angle right onto Belmore Road, and at the next right, angle further right onto Perouse Road. St Paul’s is left at the roundabout. You can also go up Barker Street (if you happen to be starting on that side of the campus) then left onto Perouse Road when you run out of Barker, then right at the next roundabout.
If you’re catching the bus from elsewhere, the 372, 373, 376, 314 and 315 routes all stop just around the corner. The 370 stops a little further away, but it doesn’t run after about 7pm or so. Parking is… limited, unless you know the sneaky tricks, or park about three or four blocks away.
As for screenings, based on comments and suggestions during O-Week, we’re making a couple of changes to the schedule, but we’ll definitely be starting in Week 1 with Mystery ScreeninG Atlantis season five. For those who missed it when we showed season four, I’ll give a brief recap at the screening. We’re still not sure which room we’ll be in, but rest assured we’ll definitely have a room by then, and I’ll let you know where it is closer to the date.
For those new to SpockSoc, all screenings are free for members. During the night, you’ll be able to order pizza – any type you like, within reason – and someone (usually me) will go up to Pizza Hut and get them. Pizza costs $5 per half, and you also get a can of drink.
Keep an eye here for the latest details. You can also find information on our website:
We also have a Yahoo! Groups mailing list, for discussion and the latest news in the word of Sci-Fi and Fantasy from our Chief of Staff. You’ll find that at:
As well as a Facebook group for finding other members, SpockSoc Group
Hope to see you at the screenings!
el presidente